The Financial Police of Milano has transferred confiscated assets to the University of Milano as part of their efforts to combat drug trafficking. In September 2023, a police operation uncovered over 167 kg of marijuana and a sophisticated indoor growing facility containing more than 900 marijuana plants in a building in upper Milan. Two individuals were arrested, and the operation led to the seizure of equipment, including 150 professional LED lamps valued at over 75,000 euros. The Busto Arsizio Court authorized the confiscation of these items for educational use, and on March 14, the Provincial Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, General B. Andrea Trust, formally handed over the equipment to Prof. Marina Brambilla, Rector of the University of Milan. The lamps will be utilized in growth chambers for scientific experiments by the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, reflecting a commitment to both combatting illegality and promoting scientific research.