Thursday, December 26, 2024

City Considers Enhancing Wharf Lighting in Salmon Arm to Benefit Birds

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City staff are set to explore ways to reduce intrusive lighting at the Marine Peace Park wharf, following a recommendation from the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) aimed at protecting nesting birds in the adjacent sanctuary. The committee proposed installing motion detection sensors that would activate lights only when needed, allowing for darker conditions when the area is unoccupied. EAC member Councillor Sylvia Lindgren emphasized the importance of dark sky-friendly lighting for wildlife and human health, noting that the current bright lights may be affecting nesting behavior in nearby boxes. The city’s engineering director confirmed the current lighting was installed at the request of the RCMP for security reasons, but the council is now seeking a cost estimate for potential changes. While the motion received unanimous support, Councillor Kevin Flynn expressed concerns about the tight timeline for implementation. The goal is to assess options by March 2025, ahead of the spring nesting season.

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