Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sky Technology Introduces Cooling Solution for LED Streetlights

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A new design for outdoor LED streetlights has been proposed to enhance energy efficiency and reduce operational temperatures significantly. Conventional ground-facing LED streetlights consume 3-4% of the world’s electricity but fail to take advantage of the cold sky for effective radiative cooling due to their thermally opaque covers. The innovative sky-facing LED design directs light upward, allowing for improved heat dissipation through a nanoporous cover material that is transparent to infrared radiation while reflecting visible light back to the ground. Laboratory tests reveal that this design can lower operating temperatures by nearly 8°C and improve light efficiency. Outdoor experiments conducted at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology demonstrated temperature reductions of about 4.4°C under clear sky conditions. This new approach to LED lighting not only promises to enhance illumination quality and energy efficiency but also holds potential for significant environmental benefits, with the potential to save 1.9 TWh of electricity and reduce CO2 emissions by 1.3 million metric tons if widely adopted in public lighting systems.

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